How To Make Hair Thick And Long In One Month
If you are looking for how to make hair thick and long in one month then this post is for you. Check out this full article to know how to get thick hair in one month.
Hello Beautiful! Hope you are doing well. When you wake up in the morning if you notice hairs on your pillow then that means your hair is falling off. Gradually our thick hair becomes to start thin day by day. Depending on your age this is ok. But if you face these problems at an early age then you have to understand that you are facing some hair issues.
Is it possible to get thick hair in one month? The question is very simple but answering this question is very difficult. Because it is very hard to get fast results. But it depends on you. In the sense of how you consume food, how you take care of your hair, your lifestyle, etc. may matter a lot.
If you want thick hair then, first of all, you have to consume superfood which helps you to get good hair health. Whatever you apply to your hair like hair oil, hair serum, shampoo, and conditioner isn’t effective. Because whatever we apply outside of our body is secondary. The primary thing is key nutrients are very essential for beautiful thick hair. Hence the first thing is food and the next thing is natural home remedies. These remedies may work fast for some people and for others it may take time like 2-3 months. So you have to be patient. But believe me, the outcome will entice you.
Natural Home Remedies to Get Thick Hair :
1. Aloe Vera:
No words to say about aloe vera. I have more than 10 aloe vera plants in my garden. This cares, nourishes, and conditions your hair. Directly you can use this on your hair and scalp. Or you can prepare hair serums, hair packs, and hair gels from these aloe vera. We can say that Aloe vera enhances our beauty. This is not limited only to haircare, we can use it in skincare. Sometimes I use this directly on my hair and sometimes I will add fresh aloe vera to the oil. In every hair mask or serum, this is the main ingredient in my routine.
Take some fresh aloe vera pulp, curry leaves, henna leaves, hibiscus flower, or leaves whichever you get wash it properly. Grind them for fine paste and apply properly overall your hair. Wait for a couple of minutes to wash your hair. Continue this process once a week to get the best result (I mean to get thick hair).

2. Rice Water:
Do you know why we use rice water for our hair? It supplies all nutrients which are required for our hair. I mean antioxidants, amino acids, and Vitamins are rich in rice water. So if we use this we can control hair fall and it helps to grow hair thicker. You can make hair serums and hair packs from the rice water along with some other ingredients like curry leaves, hibiscus leaves, orange peel, and methi seeds. You can choose any one ingredient here or use all ingredients to prepare the hair masks.
3. Coconut oil:
Coconut oil was used by our ancestors. I love this oil because it is so simple and it’s a good aromatic. It won’t be sticky in our hands. So take coconut oil from your fingertips and slowly massage it on your scalp. Do it in the night, I mean before going to bed and wash off in the morning with Shikha powder. It washes offs applied oil in your hair properly.
4. Methi Seeds:
We all know from the beginning about methi(fenugreek seeds) and how it works on our hair. In India, we use methi in our daily cooking recipes. If you know the benefits of this, you will definitely use it. It plays important role in many home remedies. In every hair remedy, we use this ingredient. It’s a little bitter in taste. Soak 2 tablespoons of methi overnight. Grind along with a cup of curd and a spoon of coconut oil. Use this natural paste on your hair.

5. Bhringraj:
Bhringaraj is the most wonderful plant for our hair care remedy. Bhringraj acts as a hair dye. If you are suffering from a grey hair problem then this is the best remedy I can say. As this plant darkens our hair, so it helps to prevent grey hair problems. We have a lot of bhringraj in our backyards. They grow very much in the field. You can prepare oil or hair masks from bhringraj.
Other Tips
The usage of shampoo and conditioner plays a huge role in hair care. The main question that arises in everyone’s mind is which shampoo is best? Isn’t it? Here I will give an answer wait, use any mild shampoo which will not harm your hair more. The big mistake that we do is whenever we watch advertisements about new shampoo, we buy that and start to consume it. We should not use different products on our hair. It may harm us. don’t forget to use conditioner after you shampoo your hair.
Due to split ends in the hair, our hair doesn’t grow fast. If you are having split ends problem then it’s better to trim those split ends. Eat superb foods that need for our hair growth.
These hair masks help to prevent hair thinning problems and promote hair growth naturally. I have followed all of these and felt the difference in thickness of my hair as well as the length of my hair. Hence you can thicken your hair easily by following these tips. I hope you have got some points about How To Get Thick Hair In One Month. If you find these tips useful then please share them with your loved ones.